2023 Podcasts
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December 14, 2023 - Episode #125 - Sickness and Insanity - How to Avoid Both this Holiday Season
You are sick, again. And you are wondering why do you keep getting sick?!? You tend to write it off because you always get sick this time of year. It is called Cold and Flu season for a reason, right? Hey girl, it’s time for a friendly wake up call. Your body is sick for a reason. You are stressed, you are not getting enough sleep and you are not hydrated and your nutrition looks like that of a toddler. Something has got to change and you absolutely cannot put this off until January. Your body needs some care now! Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
November 30, 2023 - Episode #124 - Dance of Resilience: Simple Steps to Support Your Body in the Midst of Unyielding Stress with Karin Reiter
Ever feel like stress is an just an inevitable part of being a woman? The constant juggle, the overwhelming demands, and the advice to "just reduce stress" that feels nearly impossible. Well, guess what? You're not alone, and on this episode of Healthy Harmony, we're breaking through the misconception that stress is something you can magically erase. We are tapping into the HPA axis and your adrenal function and looking at the role of cortisol. Today we have a remarkable guest, Karin Reiter, joining us all the way from Israel. Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
November 16, 2023 - Episode #123 - Adrenal Overdrive: Navigating the Holiday Hustle and Unmasking the Silent Struggle of a Woman's HPA Axis
Welcome to "Adrenal Overdrive," where we unravel the hidden dance between stress and your well-being, especially during the holiday hustle. In this episode, we shine a spotlight on the silent struggle many women face—the often misunderstood world of HPA axis dysfunction. Join me as we dive into the signs and symptoms that might be flying under your radar, making sense of the intricate web of hormonal imbalance that characterizes HPA axis dysfunction. Discover why this phenomenon becomes particularly pronounced during the holidays, as stress levels soar, schedules overflow, and self-care takes a back seat. Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
October 18, 2023 - Episode #122 - World Menopause Day - Exposing the Deficiencies of Women's Health Care
Seven percent! According to a survey that was published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, only 7% of doctors surveyed felt prepared to discuss menopause with their patients. What in the world?? Midlife women are suffering and our health care system has completely failed us! It’s October 18th and it is World Menopause Day. Let’s be honest, we don’t need a freaking day to be concerned about this major life change. You need to understand the current state of affairs in women’s healthcare so you can learn about menopause and become your own best advocate. I’m going to keep exposing the lies and pointing out the deficiencies. It's all today on the Healthy Harmony podcast. Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
October 12, 2023 - Episode #121- Pinkwashing - The Deception of Breast Cancer Month and Why you should Rethink Your Pink
Here’s my warning, Today’s podcast might make you a little angry. It’s October. That means Pink Out and Breast Cancer month. I mean everywhere you look, there’s pink and it’s for a good cause, so let’s all get behind it, right?? Maybe not! Have you heard of the term Pink Washing? This term refers to a marketing tactic. It is the exploitation of Breast Cancer for profit or for public relations. Pink Washing is the act of supposedly supporting breast cancer and producing, manufacturing or selling products that are actually linked to the disease itself. Breast Cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry that is largely unregulated. Buckle up sis. Let’s do some eye opening today on the Healthy Harmony podcast. Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
September 29, 2023 - Episode #120- Myths and Facts of Menopause - Part 2
Are you tired of sleepless nights, hot flashes, fatigue, anxiety, brain fog Does it seem like your waistline is ever expanding no matter what you do? On today’s podcast, we are tackling more myths and facts of menopause. We are exposing the lies of hormone balance and equipping you with the crucial information that you need so you can tackle midlife with more energy, fewer mood swings, less unwanted weight and more vibrancy! Let’s do this. Myths and Facts of Menopause - Part 2. It’s all today on the Healthy Harmony podcast. Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
September 14, 2023 - Episode #119 - Myths and Facts of Menopause - Part 1
Do they think that we are just stupid? That we aren’t capable of handing the information about our own body? Why are we not taught about our menstrual cycles? And why in the hell are we not taught about menopause and the cessation of those cycles? Nobody gives you a game plan. You are just waiting for this horrendous thing to happen. And then, when you do have some symptoms and concerns, you are basically dismissed. You are told…"well it’s just your age this is just how it is." Or you are quickly silenced by your doc throwing a prescription med your way. This is essentially the equivalent of saying “Shut up and get out!" Enough is enough! There is some crucial info you need and I’m going to give it to you. Today we are starting a series on Myths and Facts of Menopause. If you are a midlife woman who has been desperately searching for a menopause mentor. I’ve got you. It’s all today on the Healthy Harmony podcast. Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
August 9, 2023 - Episode #118 - Summer Food - How Much Protein Do I Need?
I’m about to really open your eyes. There are 2 major mistakes that you are making as a mid-life woman……you are not eating enough protein and you aren’t lifting weights. As we get older and that weight seems to just settle in and not budge, we start subscribing to the same, stupid notion that we have heard our whole life…eat less and move more. Eat less and move more. But the question becomes what do I eat? You need more protein!! That mistake of mid-life women to eat less and move more typically results in inadequate protein intake and way too much cardio. And you are shooting yourself in the foot! Today we are gonna chat all things protein. Because I want to help answer the question, how much protein do I need? Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
July 13, 2023 - Episode #117 - Summer Fasting - Why isn't Intermittent Fasting working for Me?
Today's topic? Intermittent fasting. It’s gotten a lot of attention. It’s summer time! You are wearing a swimsuit; you are wearing shorts and you can’t hide under bulky sweaters & jeans. So, weight is at the top of your mind. You’ve done IF (intermittent fasting) before and it worked. So, what’s different now? Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
June 30, 2023 - Episode #116 - Summer Hydration-Do I need Electrolytes
Sweet Summer time. The days are longer, you are outside and enjoying all the summer activities with your friends and your family.. The sun is out and, man it is hot! You know you need to be hydrated. That’s kinda a given but do you need electrolytes? Spoiler alert….Yes! Yes, you do and I’m going to tell you why today on our summer health tip series…..on the Healthy Harmony Podcast. Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
April 26, 2023 - Episode #115 - Top 8 Tips for Healthy Happy Hormones
Inability to lose weight, low energy, brain fog, bathroom issues, low libidio, dry skin, pain, insomnia, hot flashes, depression, wanting to just isolate…..these are just a few symptoms of hormone imbalance. Not even a comprehensive list! The subject of hormone imbalance is a big one and today I’m giving you the top 8 tips to help promote happy hormones. I know you are tired of being on the struggle bus. Let’s talk healthy happy hormones today on the Healthy Harmony podcast. Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
April 12, 2023 - Episode #114 - See Ya Later Ovulator - The Controversy of Menopause Care with Ester Blum
I'm sick and tired of the medical gas lighting with women. Somehow, we have either normalized complete suffering or have made women feel like the symptoms they are experiencing is all in their head. And this is certainly in case in hormone health and menopause. Is this really just a phase of life that you have to suffer through for 8-10 years?? The answer is NO!! If you are concerned with hormone balance and want answers, today’s episode is just for you. Join me as I interview Hormone specialist Ester Blum. We discuss the literal hot topic of menopause and her new book See Ya Later Ovulator. You need to hear as we address the most controversial topics of hormone replacement therapy, birth control, bio identical hormones, lab testing, peri-menopause, getting to the root of the issue, why you can’t out hormone your lifestyle choices, supplementation and why menopause is not taught in medical school. You need to hear this! Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
March 29, 2023 - Episode #113 - How to have a better poo and Stop Feeling like Crap
Potty Talk - That’s where we are going today. And I’m talking about Poop. Coaching women, I have noticed two main things. We aren’t sleeping and we are not pooping! For the love, no wonder we feel like crap! We are full of it. Last podcast we dove into sleep and yes, today we are diving into poop, (ewww not literally) Did you know that you eliminate certain hormones like estrogen through your poop? So, if you struggle with constipation, you will always struggle with hormone imbalance. Elimination is the key to detoxification. And today’s topic is one your toxic body needs to hear. It’s time for potty talk. How to have a better poo and stop feeling like crap! Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
March 15, 2023 - Episode #112 - Help me Sleep! Easy Tips to Help you Sleep Better and Live Better
Help me Sleep! Please, my sleep is awful and I need help. I hear this statement so frequently from my coaching clients and I relate! I know I have struggled greatly with sleep over the years and have been addicted to sleep meds and then over the counter sleep aids so I get it. This topic is near and dear to my heart. It should not be your norm to feel exhausted, have no energy, be foggy headed and drag yourself through the day as you chug caffeine. That should not be your norm. And here is the harsh truth, if you don’t take control of your sleep then you will never be healthy. Lack of sleep is a disaster! It only leads to weight gain and disease. If you are not sleeping well then you are not healing and restoring well. So today, I’m going to help you sleep! That’s the hot topic on the Healthy Harmony podcast. Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
March 1, 2023 - Episode #111 - Stop Starving Yourself - Weight Loss for Women over 40 with Amber Shaw
Weight loss. Sustainable weight loss. The kind of weight that you lose and it stays gone. Is that possible and is that likely over the age of 40? Yes, it is my friend! On today’s show, we have body transformation expert Amber Shaw and we are tackling the hot topic of weight loss. Could it be that there is more to weight loss than just eat less and move more? Let’s stop with the bro code and realize that a woman’s body is different. Listen as we hit on the crucial topics of calorie counting, nutrition, food satisfaction, how to honor your cravings, intuitive eating and the specific types of exercise you need to achieve results. Our guest today is Amber Shaw. Amber is a Body Transformation Expert and Founder of The Wellness Revolution. She has extensively coached thousands of women (age 40+) from all across the world to get off the crazy train of dieting and find true food freedom so they can feel empowered, confident and sexy. You can connect with Amber at www.ambershaw.com Let's get off the hamster wheel of stuffing yourself and then starving yourself and learn how to honor your body to achieve true sustainable weight loss. It’s all today on the Healthy Harmony podcast Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
February 15, 2023 - Episode #110 - You are Not Joining a Cult - How to Choose Real Food for Busy Families on a Budget!
You are not joining a cult! You are not picking a religion here. You are just trying to decide what to eat. But it seems like you are being forced to pick a team. To call your diet, your nutrition strategy something...Paleo, Keto, Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Pescetarian, Sugar Free, Low Carb, Vegan, Whole 30. I’m going to tell you something, your nutrition strategy doesn’t have to have a name. It doesn’t. The confusing and conflicting world of nutrition has gotten out of control coo coo. And in the middle of the madness, you have a family to feed and you are busy and the cost of food is crazy!! Hey friend, I’ve got you. Today we are talking real food for busy families on a budget. This short, packed podcast is going to cover some nutrition basics so you have an understanding of what to feed your family and provide you with some time saving and budget friendly tips. You are going to love this. It’s all today on the Healthy Harmony podcast. Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
January 25, 2023 - Episode #109 - Natural Anti-aging & Why Fat is not a Dirty Word with Dr. Cori Stern
That word, aging. It makes me think of the line from the movie Steel Magnolias where Truvy played by Dolly Parton says, "Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it is marching right across your face!" Wouldn’t it be nice to have some secrets to delay the inevitable time marching on?? Some insight for you to look your best and feel your best even as these years go by? Well, my friend. That’s what we are talking about today. We are joined by expert Dr. Cori Stern to discuss natural anti-aging and how nutrition plays a key role in helping you stay healthy, prevent disease and yes, look younger! We take a deep dive into fats and why fat is not a dirty word. You are going to hear about a vitamin that you have probably never heard of, Vitamin F, found in healthy fats that can help you prevent sunburn. And yes, we even talk about the controversy surrounding cholesterol and fat consumption and the dangers of using a statin. Straight talk, no hidden agenda and it’s all about natural anti-aging. today on the Healthy Harmony podcast. Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |
January 11, 2023 - Episode #108- Weight Loss, Resolutions and Scams - Why it Won't Work!
Well it's the New Year. 2023. Every where you turn, you are being hit with these messages.... Beat the Bulge!! New Year, New You! Lose Weight, Feel Great! Don’t do it. Please don’t fall prey to all the weight loss/get healthy schemes that you are being bombarded with. It happens every single year. They get you feeling guilty and ashamed so you will fall for whatever quick fix, pill, supplement, diet that they are pushing. And I know what you are thinking, you are thinking but Jennifer, I need to lose weight. That will solve all my problems and these companies seem to really care. Listen up sister, they do not care. All they care about is the money. The Diet and Weight Loss Industry is worth 3.8 Billion dollars. 3.8 BILLION DOLLARS!! Today we are talking about why those New Year’s resolutions won’t work, what makes weight loss complicated and the one simple thing you can do in January to set yourself up for health success for the rest of the year. Click here for more information and listen to the podcast |