Health Holding You Back? How to Live in Freedom with the 3 Step Freedom Framework!
July 13, 2021 - Episode #71 - Health Holding You Back? How to Live in Freedom with the 3 Step Freedom Framework!
If you are new here, hey there! I'm Jennifer and I help spiraling moms overcome the overwhelm through Functional Wellness Coaching for the body, mind and soul so they can transform their health and live a deeply fulfilled life of freedom and harmony! I want you and I to live in FREEDOM and that's what we are chatting about today. Do you know that feeling of captivity? Your feel like your life, your health is spiraling out of control but of course you are too ashamed to admit that to anyone. So, you put a mask on and act like everything is fine. You’ve been so busy taking care of everyone else. You didn’t intentionally let your health go but it happened. Now you find yourself struggling with these health issues. How did this happen? But most importantly….what do you do about it? It’s time my friend. Time for you to live in freedom. Don’t let anything hold you back from living life to the fullest! Want the secrets to living in freedom? Want the 3-step freedom framework?? Keep listening. That’s our topic today on the Healthy Harmony podcast. So many great guests are coming up! If you missed the last podcast, you missed a great one with Clinical Psychologist, Andrew Fuller. Live your Best Life at Any Age. Click here to listen Thanks for leaving both ratings and written reviews for the Healthy Harmony Podcast. This helps me get great guests for you!! For ALL the freebies I mentioned, click here! And finally, if I got your attention about the small group program that starts in September and you are desperate for support and accountability but tired of the quick fix mentality, click here to join the Wait List. Read Full Transcript below Where else to listen: (note: Google is only available on android devices)
FULL TRANSCRIPT July 13, 2021 - Episode #71 - Health Holding You Back? How to Live in Freedom with the 3 Step Freedom Framework! If you're new here, let me introduce myself real quick. I'm Jennifer and I help spiraling moms overcome the overwhelm through functional wellness coaching for the body, mind, and soul. So they can transform their health and live a deeply fulfilled life of freedom and harmony. And today's podcast is all about freedom. Now, you know that feeling, it's the opposite of freedom. That feeling of captivity, there are things that are holding you back from living life to the fullest. You feel like your life, your health is spiraling out of control, but of course, you're too ashamed to admit that to anyone. So you put on a mask and act like everything is just fine. You've been so busy taking care of everyone else. You didn't intentionally let your health go, but it happened nail you find yourself struggling with these health issues. What happened that most importantly, what do you do about it? My friend, time for you to live in freedom, don't let anything hold you back from living life to the fullest. Do you want to know the secret? Do you want to know the freedom framework? Keep listening. That's our topic today on the Healthy Harmony podcast. I am booking some absolutely fantastic guests for this podcast and I cannot wait for the episodes coming up that listen, speaking of fantastic guests, if you missed the podcast from a couple of weeks ago with Andrew Fuller clinical psychologist, about the phases of life and embracing your phase of life, understanding your phase of life so that you can move forward with resilience and change your future guys, this podcast is it. It is absolutely fantastic. So I'll reference that in the show notes, go back and listen. You're going to absolutely love it. Now, speaking of all the great podcasts coming up a great way to miss, to make sure that you don't miss anything is to subscribe. It's really simple. Click subscribe on your favorite platform of choice. That way you're notified every time a podcast comes out, because I don't want you to miss anything. And listen, while you're there, please do me a favor, leave a rating and a review. It helps other people find the healthy harmony podcast. And it helps me secure great guest just for you. Here's a recent review that I would love to highlight. She said, I love this new podcast. It's been added to my library and I listened all the episodes. I'm so glad to have found this perspective on the diet industry. And I can't agree more. Thank you for what you're giving listen, and you will not be disappointed. This review is from Walk Runner, girl. Thank you so much for your review. I appreciate you. You know, every day I talk to women who are struggling. They are caught in that spiral and it's awful. And I hear some common themes, you know, no one ever comes to me and says, yeah, I just decided to let it all go. I just let my health go. No big deal. Nope. Everybody says the same thing. I don't know what happened. I've been so busy taking care of everybody else and I just didn't make self-care a priority. And then their health and their life started spiraling out of control. They started with some health problems and that were, you know, lingering and and kind of popping out of nowhere. And then just the lack of energy and the brain fog and not getting enough sleep and GI issues. And the list goes on and on and on, you know, we're natural caregivers. We take care of others. We take care of our kids and our spouse and our family members. And we take care of our friends and our neighbors. That's our tendency, we're natural caregivers. It's how God made us. And I think sometimes we sacrifice self care so that we can take care of others thinking, well, it's selfish of me to take care of myself. I don't have time for this. But then what happens is, as our health is spiraling out of control, we realize, man, I can't do, I can't do this anymore. This isn't working. You know, those health problems that start to pop up. What happens with women is that it makes them feel inadequate. It makes them feel like they're not enough. This contributes again to the spiral. Maybe you're at that point, maybe you're maybe you've said, you know what? I need to take control of my health. I need to implement some self-care and you tried something and you fell prey to one of these. I'm going to call it a scam because I'm going to call it what it is. You fell prey to one of these scams, one of these diets, one of these quick fixes, and maybe you had success for a time. And then you stopped that thing. And then you gained all the weight back. And then what came with it? What came with the pounds is the guilt and the shame and the feeling like a failure. Can anybody relate to that? The guilt and the shame is what's holding you back that guilt and shame spiral. I see it. I would say in every single one of my clients and no I've experienced that myself. And when you are mired down in guilt and shame, you can't move forward sister. So you've got to stop the guilt and the shame you've got to determine to move forward. Let me go off on a little tangent here. Let me explain something. I referenced the word scam and I mean that. I mean it with everything in me. So not to go on a soap box, but I want you to think about this. The weight loss industry is a very, very lucrative industry. If these programs, if these diet plans were successful, then you would graduate from the program and you would be able to live your life. You would be equipped to know exactly what you need to do to take control of your health. But that's not the case is it. They have their strict program, their unrealistic program. They have their diet, they have their processed junky foods. And you, you have success for a little while. Then you fail. And then you're like, well, if I didn't do it right, it must be me. I didn't have enough determination. Was it you that failed? Or was it the program that failed? And what's interesting to me is I want you to understand these programs are designed for you to fail. Do I need to say that again, these programs are designed. They are set up for you to fail. So was it you that failed or was it the program that failed you again? If it was setting you up for success, you would no longer need the program. So I want you to understand that it's all about the money, honey. It's all about the money. It's not about your health. It's not about your wellbeing and that's why you have to be discerning. So today we're talking about embracing yourself, embracing that self-care so that nothing holds you back and you can live your life in freedom and you can do everything that God has called you to do. You know, the other problem here is we know what to do, right? I mean, I think every single person says, Jennifer, I know what to do. Like I know what to do. And I've experienced the same thing. I know what to do, but there's such a big difference in knowing and doing right, knowing what to do and actually doing the dang thing. That's what I do as a health coach for women, I help make that shift between knowing and doing my goal with the client is always to set them up for a lifetime of success. Not make them dependent on me. No, no, no, no, no. I want my clients to be empowered and set them up for a lifetime of success. And we have to make that shift. We've got to shift between knowing and doing so, are you ready to live in freedom? I'm going to give you the secrets today. This is my three step freedom framework. Number one, practice, self compassion, self care. Just that word. It almost feels like a lofty term to most of us women, because we're so busy. We're so tired. We're so stressed that we hear that word and we're like, oh my goodness, I don't have time for that. So just the word feels very, very overwhelming. So if we want to start to demonstrate and implement some self-care, we need to take a step back and practice self compassion. First, we do this by letting go of the guilt and the shame. It doesn't matter what you've tried in the past. It doesn't matter what you have failed in the past. You can't hit rewind. You can't go back to last week. Last month, last year, all you can do is move forward. I often say you, when you have a flat tire, you don't slash the other three tires. Nope. You fix the flat tire. Self-Compassion is fixing the flat tire. It's not slashing the other three tires. Okay? We're not going to sabotage ourselves. We're not going to beat ourselves up because we can't look back. We're going to let it go. We're going to give ourselves some grace. We're going to forgive ourselves, let go of the guilt and shame so we can move forward. And I want you to, I want you to look at what you've been through. Look at what you've accomplished. You, we've been through a lot over this past year and a half. I mean my goodness or almost two years, I don't even know how long it's been now. It's been forever. Right? Look at what you've done. Give yourself a break. Have you, you haven't taken care of yourself. It's okay. It's okay. A lot of us are in the same boat. Show yourself forgiveness because to yourself so that you can move forward. Number two, start where you are. This is basic. This is simple. A little bit harder to implement. Start where you are. Where are you right now? Like right this minute, where are you at with your self-care with your health? Where are you at? And what do you need to do? You know when you put in directions, when you're using your phone cause you have a particular destination in mind and you need to get directions to go somewhere. You always have to put a starting point, right? Either your phone's going to do that for you by reading your location or have to put in a starting point, you know where you want to go, right? You want more energy. You want to get some of that weight off. You want to feel better. You want to take control of your health. You want to feel like yourself. You want to feel a little bit more competent. You want to feel good in your skin. You know where you want to go. You need to know where you're at first. So start where you are. That's where you start. What is your starting point? Then I want you to identify what are some of those obstacles? What are some of those roadblocks that you've run into in the past? Did you follow a very strict, unrealistic diet? That could be it maybe it's an obstacle or a roadblock. Like, you know what? I haven't, I haven't been drinking enough water. I need to drink some more water. I haven't made sleep a priority. Starting where you are means. You're honest with yourself. This self-awareness, this mindfulness is so important, but y'all, it's tough. Like when I've done this, like it's just tough because you realize God, I've messed up a little bit. So remember one practice self-compassion too. If you're going to start where you are, you've got to realize what's held you back. You got to look at those obstacles and roadblocks, even something and even changing something as little as, Hey, I'm going to, I don't drink enough water. I'm going to drink some more water. Now, as at this point, wait, when I say start where you are, there's a tendency for us to try to change everything at once. We're like, oh my goodness, I need to clean up my diet. I need to get more sleep. I need to exercise more. I need to manage my stress. I need to do dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, all the things, all the things, all the things. And we hit overwhelm. I don't know about you, but with me when I get overwhelmed, I shut down. Nothing gets done. So that takes me to number three, overcome the overwhelm. You cannot, and I name can not change everything at once. So you've got to start where you are and look at implementing small and sticky changes. You've heard me say this before small and sticky, small meaning. It's so little, it almost seems kind of insignificant, like kind of basic and then sticky. Meaning. It's really easy to stick with small and sticky changes. What are the small and sticky changes that you can literally implement today? Like today after you listened to this podcast, okay, I can drink more water. I need to get in bed at a decent time tonight. Maybe I should start a bedtime routine. You know what? I'm going to do some deep breathing because I know somebody in my house is going to say something to tick me off. What are those small and sticky changes that you can literally start to implement right now? I'm keeping it in mind. We start to layer these. We're just trying to get momentum going in the right direction because you can't change everything at once. It never works that way. So we do it gradually. We look, we go back to the basics and we layer these changes and you know what? It is a beautiful result. Let me recap those real quick. Number one, practice self-compassion. Number two, start where you are. Number three, overcome the overwhelm. You know, I'm so passionate about this subject because I look at my life as a mom and I can look back and on times in my life, when my self care suffered so badly and I was having significant health struggles and I was just wishing the time away I was exhausted, I was short tempered. I was depressed and I was wishing the time mamas, we have an important job to do. There are people depending on us, but we need energy. We need that mental clarity. We need emotional health so that we can be better equipped to take care of those that God has entrusted to us. So I know my struggles as a mom. That's why I'm so passionate about helping moms. But as you know, if you've listened to the show before I lost my mom and she was young, she was only 66 when I lost her. And that was a wake up call for me because I started thinking about, I was already worried about my family medical history, and now I had two more diagnoses to add to that. And I got very scared and anxious and I thought, you know what? My kids like, they need me. I'm all they have. And it was that wake up call that really made me level up with my health because I knew what to do. Yo, I've got the training. Okay, I've got the education, I've got the experience. I knew what to do, but guess what? I was so wrapped up in the busy-ness and the stress I wasn't doing it, but I've finally started implementing some things so that I could take control of my health. And I'm so glad I did that. You know, my goal, I really do want to live life to the fullest. I have worked around disease so much. And let me tell you if you've got a lot of disease states going on, there's no freedom in that. There's no harmony. There's no living life to the fullest. You're in captivity to that health condition, to that disease state. I just want to live life to the fullest. I don't want to have to deal with those diagnoses. I don't want you to have to deal with those diagnoses. And I know if I'm just in survival mode, if I'm not taking care of myself and I'm in just an I'm in survival mode, I can not experience freedom. If my health, my weight, my energy is holding me back. Girls, listen, we are meant to live in freedom. We're meant to live in harmony. Listen, I'm so glad that you listened to this podcast. I appreciate you. Thank you for letting me speak my mind and be open and honest and real with you. As we wrap up today's show, I want to make sure that, you know, I've got some amazing free resources that you might want to take advantage of. So if you go to the website, inspire healthy under the podcast page because this is a resource, right? Under the podcast page, there are several free resources at the very top. There is a anti diet, weight loss guide. There's a, you know, tips for the spiraling mom to gain inner peace and total control. There's a discovery call in case you're interested in health coaching. There's also the Facebook group. So I will tell you that if you want to go check out and see what the free resources are that are available, go to the website and check those out. And I have one last thing for you before you go. I know many of you are searching. You're frustrated. You desperately need support and accountability. You don't need another quick fix or another stupid diet. You've done that before. I have an absolutely incredible small group program starting in September. This is a 10 week extensive program that is designed to set you up for a lifetime of success. Girls. There's a wait list. And I already have people on this wait list, but I'm going to put the link to that. Wait list on the show notes page. Okay. And as this just podcasts out, I'll make sure the link is there as well. So if this is something that is interesting to you, that has your attention, go ahead and get on the wait list because there's obviously limited spots available. Okay? So I will be joining you again in two weeks. My guest is incredible and the Nagina Abdullah and she is a health coach. And she's going to share her story about weight loss and give the most practical tips. You're going to be excited. I mean, we talked about everything from the foods you eat to movement to adding spices to your food. So they taste good. Y'all really good stuff in this podcast. And she was able to successfully lose weight as a very busy mom and keep it off. So there are some amazing nuggets in this podcast. It's coming up in two weeks. You will love it. Don't miss it. So until we meet again, I want you to go out there and live life in freedom and harmony, I'll see you soon bye y'all. |