Beat Belly Bloat - Quick Tips for a Flat Tummy
November 10, 2020 - Episode #38 - Beat Belly Bloat - Quick Tips for a Flat Tummy
Hey friends! Guess what we are discussing today? Belly Bloat! That uncomfortable, tight, swollen feeling that pretty much ensures that your jeans will not be comfortable that day! No need for all that. I have some quick tips to help you beat belly bloat and give you that flat tummy that you are looking for. Simple suggestions like slowing down while eating, investigating food sensitivities, limiting carbonated drinks & alcohol, cutting down on processed foods and establishing good bathroom habits are all discussed in this short podcast. Did you know chewing gum can make you bloated? Crazy, right? You will have to listen to find out more! Quick note...I reference the Poop podcast! Here is the link to listen if you missed out on that one! These hot topics that you are hearing week after week are the most pressing triggers that I hear from my coaching clients every single day. I figure, if they struggle with it, I’ve struggled with it then chances are, you are struggling too! If these podcasts resonate with you, make sure you click that SUBSCRIBE button on your favorite podcast platform of choice. I don't want you to miss anything! While you are there, leave a 5 star rating and a review! I would appreciate it! And don't forget...If you know you need help but don't know where to start, I've got you! I'm offering 10-minute Warrior Chats to give you 2 specific strategies that help with weight loss and energy. This will give you an indication if coaching is for you! Click the Calendly link to schedule and I cannot wait to talk with you. Read Full Transcript below Where else to listen: (note: Google is only available on android devices)
FULL TRANSCRIPT November 10, 2020 - Episode #38 - Beat Belly Bloat - Quick Tips for a Flat Tummy And guess what we're discussing today? Belly bloat. Yes. Belly bloat! That uncomfortable, tight, swollen feeling that pretty much ensures that your jeans will not be comfortable that day. Hey, no need for all that. I have some quick tips to help you beat belly bloat and give you that flatter stomach that you have been looking for. That's our discussion today on Healthy Harmony. Hey, Hey, welcome to the Healthy Harmony podcast. If you're ready to be empowered, to tap into the healthiest version of you. So you can live life with confidence and intentional harmony. Then my friend you're in the right place. I'm Jennifer. As a Dietitian turned Functional Medicine, Health Coach. I'm here to walk beside you and show you how to take control of your complete health. So you can live a life you not only love, but a life where you are truly thriving. Empowerment is right around the corner. We are going to tap into physical health, mental, emotional health, and spiritual health because addressing these areas equals intentional harmony, AKA happiness, fulfillment, and confidence. Let's do this. So you might be asking about these podcasts. Jennifer, what are you trying to accomplish here? Bottom line. I want to be a resource and encouragement to you. I've spent my entire career in health care and health and wellness. And as I've gone through my own personal health struggles, I really tried to dig in and identify and what am I missing here? And you know what happened? I got completely overwhelmed. There is so much confusing and conflicting information. I mean, I have a Master's Degree in Human Nutrition and have spent 24 years in this health arena. And I'm getting confused and overwhelmed! Articles and experts and doctors, all conflict each other. What is truth and what is fiction? It was then that I realized that something simple was needed. Something blending enough of the necessary science of the human body with realistic, easy to apply action steps. So that's what I determined to do. Take all of that confusing swirl of chaotic information that you need to know and bring it all together with easy science that you can understand. Oh, and realistic changes that you can make. These hot topics you're hearing week after week are the most pressing triggers that I hear from my coaching clients every single day. I figure if they struggle with it and I have struggled with it, then chances are you are struggling too. So if you find these podcasts helpful, if you find that this simple information is insightful and the action steps provided are realistic, and even gets you to thinking, Hey, I can do this. If it makes you feel like I can take control of my weight and my overall wellness, if you feel empowered and encouraged after listening, will you do me a favor? First of all, hit that Subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform. I don't want you to miss anything. Secondly, leave a five-star rating and a written review. It really helps. And finally share with a friend, word of mouth can be a beautiful thing. Okay…So let's get into today's hot topic, beat that belly bloat. So what can we do to beat that bloated uncomfortable feeling? Now we're going to do this rapid fire style. 15 tips. Are you ready? Let's go. Number one, eat smaller portion sizes. Yeah. Common sense approach. But you know, that's what works. Remember the stomach is the size of a fist and it expands when you overeat. You feel uncomfortable. You feel bloated. Therefore eat smaller portion sizes. Number two, slow down while you eat my goodness. We have a tendency to shove it down and we're gulping air in the process. No wonder we feel bloated. Speaking of slowing down, number three, are you chewing your food? I mean really chewing your food. Most of us are not chewing enough. Digestion starts in the mouth. It's been recommended. You chew at least 20 to 25 times. So chew that food. If you want to avoid that bloated feeling. Number four, watch out for those carbonated drinks. All of those nice little bubbly drinks lead to a bubbly rumble in my tummy. Okay. Do you get the Winnie, the Pooh reference the rumbly in my tumbly. Yes, but all those bubbly drinks just lead to that bumbly bloated feeling just like Winnie the Pooh. Number five, speaking of drinking, but what about drinking from a straw? Now this one hits a little bit too close to home because I love my cup with a straw. I feel like it makes me drink more water, but this is interesting because when you're drinking from a straw you're taking in extra air and it can really promote that full bloated feeling. Number six, make sure you're going to the bathroom. Are you full of it? By the way, when you're not eliminating and that waste sits there, those toxins are re absorbed back into your body. Ooh, gross. And you know the reality, you feel like crap when you're full of crap. So make sure you're going to the bathroom. If you missed it, there was a podcast two weeks ago, what your poo says about you. So if this is your issue, Hey, go listen to that. Number seven, drink water. Again, an obvious one, but drink water. So often we're swollen and we're bloated because we're dehydrated. Our tissues are swollen. Water retention is the body's way of holding on to fluid. So you don't dehydrate, you gotta drink water. Hey, and remember an ideal tip here is drink water. First thing in the morning, ideally some lemon water to help you detoxify. Number eight, look at your fiber intake. Okay. We all know fiber is really, really good for you. Is it possible to have too much? Sometimes if you are on a journey to get healthier and incorporate more fruits and vegetables and beans and fiber in your diet, if you do that too quickly, you're going to have some problems with bloating and gas because some beans and veggies produce gas. So when you increase too quickly, you've got to keep this in mind and make sure you drink plenty of water and increase that fiber. Very, very slowly. Number nine, put away the chewing gum. I know this is a shocking one, but put away the chewing gum. Chewing gum, especially the sugar-free gum has sugar alcohols. And we've got to watch out for those it's found in sugar-free candy and gum. And it can really cause some GI distress and bloating, by the way, how do you feel after eating that protein bar? That's another place. It has sugar alcohols. It's loaded full of sugar alcohols. So watch out for those because these can definitely cause some GI distress and some bloating. Number 10, investigate your food sensitivities and your food allergies. Is your body responding to certain foods in a negative manner, the best way to do this apply mindfulness. How do I feel after eating that lunch? How do I feel after having that for breakfast? Just think about it. How does my body feel? What's my body telling me, but also keep a food journal. This is the easiest, most effective way to really kind of track what you're reacting to and what you could be sensitive to. Again, this is a great place to work with a health professional. Number 11. Do you have digestive issues? Do you have poor gut health? Many people have issues and they're not digesting their food properly. Hey, I was one of these? I didn't even realize until I did some testing with my functional medicine doctor. Now aside from my specific supplements for gut health, I've added digestive enzymes before I eat. What about poor gut health? You've heard me talk about this a few times. Now there's a term called Dysbiosis. Yes. Dysbiosis. There's a term for you that you can throw out there at your next socially distanced gathering, “dysbiosis”. That is an imbalance in the gut. It's an overabundance of the bad guys and not enough of the good guys. So there are certain bad bacteria. They can actually produce gas, but just having an overabundance of the bad guys, he keeps you from fully breaking down the foods you eat and absorbing the nutrients that you need. By the way, if you feel like you have digestive issues or poor gut health, again, work with a trained health professional to get some help. You don't have to feel like that anymore. Number 12 limit inflammatory foods like dairy and gluten. Uh, Oh, did I just step on some toes? I know, I know this is where you say Jennifer, you're no fun, but here's the reality. Yeah. Some of you are lactose intolerant and some of you have extreme gluten sensitivities, but you know what? Not everybody is sensitive to lactose. Not everybody is gluten sensitive. Here's what you need to know. Gluten is highly inflammatory and it does an absolute number on your gut health. So if you want to cut down on the bloating again, look at those inflammatory foods like the dairy and the gluten. Cut that out. Find some substitutes and see how you feel. You might be surprised. Number 13, this is again, this is another, not fun one - drinking too much. Alcohol puts the body in a state of dehydration and remember dehydration, water retention. Those go hand in hand. By the way they call it beer gut. For a reason you want to reduce the bloating, cut down on the alcohol. Number 14, eating way, too much processed and convenience foods. These are loaded. And loaded with preservatives and chemicals and sodium. All of that salt. And guess what? It just promotes water retention. Water retention, and sodium. They hang out, they go together. Number 15, our last tip, I tell you, these are rapid fire. Manage stress. We're going in depth on this subject, on the podcast next week, but here's what you need to know this week. So many GI issues and bloating is due to unmanaged stress, worry and anxiety. So keep that in mind. We've got to manage our stress. So here's a relaxing tip for you that you can incorporate this week. So go take an Epson salt bath. These magnesium rich salts will help draw out toxins and excess fluid and help you relax. And this wraps up some tips and tricks to beat that belly bloat. I hope this was helpful and just enough info to make you go. Hmm. Maybe I need to investigate this further. So many times our body is sending a signals or symptoms for a reason. There is something going on that needs to be addressed. Often. It's a change in diet and lifestyle habits that does the trick. Other times there is a very specific underlying medical issue that needs to be addressed. I hope that the main thing that you're starting to hear through these podcasts is mindfulness and the art of listening to your body and lean in close my friend. Your body, it’s trying to tell you something. So you need to listen. Hey, before you go, if you're feeling like you need someone in your corner to help you take control of your health, consider booking a virtual coaching session, you will feel like you're chatting and brainstorming with their friend. But the beauty of this is that your friend is a highly trained professional with the experience and the expertise that you need. So you can see long lasting health transformation. If you aren't picking up what I'm putting down, that friend is me. I would love to support you. I offer one hour virtual coaching sessions and I call them the wellness warrior power hour. Hey, I call it a power hour for a reason, you will be so happy with the personalized strategies that weight does that develop just for you in an hour. Think about it. And when you're ready, check my under the coaching tab So until next week here's to a flat belly, a smile on your face and a positive mindset. It's going to get better. Bye y'all. And don't forget...If you know you need help but don't know where to start, I've got you! I'm offering 10-minute Warrior Chats to give you 2 specific strategies that help with weight loss and energy. This will give you an indication if coaching is for you! Click the Calendly link to schedule and I cannot wait to talk with you. |