Struggling with Pandemic Pounds?
September 30, 2020 - Episode #29 - Struggling with Pandemic Pounds? Secrets to Anti-Diet Weight Loss
Anyone else done with 2020? Anyone else struggling with those pandemic pounds? Emotional eating and drinking, unmanaged stress, uncertainty. If you understand the science behind weight gain, it’s absolutely no wonder WHY we have gained the weight. But today, let’s chat about taking it off! FREE Gift Alert! My gift to you is an empowerment, weight loss tool that contains the 5 secrets to Anti-Diet weight loss, and the workbook that helps you with mindfulness and implementation of healthy habits. I’ll get this delivered right to your inbox when you provide your email. Simply go to This free tool could be exactly the jumpstart you need to shed those pandemic pounds. But listen, if hearing this has you feeling a bit overwhelmed at tackling this on your own and you need extra support, why don’t you head to my website and book an individual coaching session with me as your personal health coach. I see all my clients virtually and this Wellness Warrior Power Hour gives you that one-on-one personalized approach that you have been looking for! Read Full Transcript below Where else to listen: (note: Google is only available on android devices)
September 30, 2020 - Episode #29 - Struggling with Pandemic Pounds? Secrets to Anti-Diet Weight Loss Grief 2020 has knocked us down. Are you struggling with those pandemic pounds? Want to know how to not just take off the weight, but keep it off? Oh. And not lose your sanity in the process. Hey, I hear you. That's a hot topic we're diving into today on Healthy Harmony. Welcome to the Healthy Harmony podcast. If you're ready to be empowered, to tap into the healthiest version of you so you can live life with confidence and intentional harmony. Then my friend you're in the right place. I'm Jennifer. As a dietician turned functional medicine, health coach, I'm here to walk beside you and show you how to take control of your complete health so you can live a life you not only love, but a life where you are truly thriving. Empowerment is right around the corner. We're can dive into physical health, mental, emotional health, and spiritual health because addressing these areas equals intentional harmony, AKA happiness, fulfillment, and confidence. Let's do this. This is a hot topic today. Anybody else done with 2020 anybody else struggling with those pandemic pounds, emotional eating, emotional drinking, unmanaged stress uncertainty? You know, if you understand the science behind weight gain, it's absolutely no wonder why we have gained the weight. But today let's chat about taking it off. Now, before we go any further, if you're new here, welcome. I have a free gift just for you and amazing strategic tool, 5 Secrets to Anti-Diet Weight Loss. And let me tell you, it's not just the secrets to long lasting weight loss. There is also a guided workbook that gives you exactly the strategic framework that you have been looking for. Go to, or click on the link in the description at this podcast to grab it. Hey, don't worry. I'll be reminding you at the end of this short podcast. And Hey, if you've been here a while and you're ready to go next level and get that personalized support, you need head over to and schedule a one hour Wellness Warrior Session so you and I can implement a strategy that works for you. Let's get into it. I know you are probably expecting me to launch into this narrative about eating less and moving more. Um, haven't we tried that before? It's time for specific, it's time for simple, and it's time for realistic strategies that actually work. It's time to do something different. So we can not only lose the weight that we've gained, but keep it off. So, first things first, let's stop obsessing over those pandemic pounds. You and I are not defined by a number on the scale. So, we gained weight during an unprecedented time, as our world has been thrust into absolute chaos, the uncertainty overwhelms us. The manifestation of stress is inflammation. And just so you know, the presence of inflammation and gaining weight, those two go hand-in-hand inflammation and weight gain their best friends, BFFs! Meaning when your inflammation levels rise, because you're stressed, you gain weight. So what I'm emphasizing is that it is completely and totally understandable that we gained weight. Let's stop beating ourselves up. It doesn't help anything. So let it go. You can't hit, rewind and change anything from yesterday last week, last month, or hey…in this past crazy year, we've gotta let it go. Now I know you might be singing that song from frozen, cause it's definitely going through my mind. And I'm sorry if that song is stuck in your head! Now that we've let that mess go, let's focus on how to move forward. You see the problem is that for most of us, we have walked this journey before. We gain weight, we take some action and we lose weight only to stop taking action and we regain it ALL back again. Aren't you ready for something different today? Today I'm outlining three tips for anti-diet weight loss. Let's get started. Number One: Ditch the diet mentality. Okay y'all let me tell you, as a dietician and a health coach who has been in this field for 24 years, if I got paid cold, hard cash, every time somebody asks me, Hey, what diet is your favorite? I would be rolling in the money. We're rolling in it. Here's the deal, diets typically have a start date and a stop date and they don't work. We have to move forward with a complete approach to wellness. This looks beyond a restricted mindset to food. And Hey, if you're tired of the short-term results, then get off the diet hamster wheel. Friends, honestly, do we have time for counting calories, macros or trying to follow some complicated diet plan? No, we really don't. It's not simple. It's certainly not realistic. Not to mention this really restrictive mindset towards food. This, Oh goodness, I can't have that. I can't eat this is AWFUL. It leads to binge eating and ultimately disordered eating. Y’all diets don't work. You and I both know they don't work. And the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So let's do something different and get results that will last a lifetime. Number Two: Eat real food. Yeah, you heard me right. Eat real food. I know, I know it's a common sense approach. You and I both know this, but it stands for a reminder. We feel better when we stick to real whole foods. These are the foods that don't come prepackaged with the long ingredient list. The foods we easily recognize and the ones that don't necessarily need a food label. I heard an expression and thought it was great. If it grows on a plant, eat it, go for it. If it was made in a plant might want to limit it. You know, processed foods are absolutely loaded with preservatives and chemicals and this promotes toxicity and inflammation in the body. Need a wakeup call? A toxic body will not lose weight. That's right. A toxic body cannot release that weight. So the best strategy, and again, it's a common sense strategy, we know this is to limit processed foods, incorporate more vegetables, more fruit, give your body what it needs and you're going to be absolutely amazed at how good you feel. Number Three: Manage stress. I know. Did you just roll your eyes? Yeah, I get it…I get it. Notice. I didn't say reduce stress. The year 2020 has about done us in with regard to stress and anxiety. So we have to look and see how stress dramatically affects our body. It decreases immunity, increases, inflammation, impacts how we feel also, how we interact with others. So first we need to become more mindful. Look at how our body responds to stress. What are those physical and mental signals that your body sends you when you're stressed? These can include shortness of breath, anxiety, tensing, the shoulders and the jaw, headaches, clenching the teeth, brain fog, racing heart, stomach pains, just to name a few. Now that you're being mindful and recognizing how your body responds to stress, it's important to help your body dial back. That stress response. You've heard it called the fight or flight response. We wanted help the body dial it back. Now let's get real. During this horrific time, our stress management has not been ideal. We're bingeing on Netflix. We're mindlessly scrolling on social media. We're numbing the pain with alcohol and emotional eating. And if you can relate to what I just said, you know what? You're not alone. We're all guilty, but this is not giving our body what it truly needs. The body needs specific action to dial back the stress response. You know, the body's like give me some help and support here. So ideal tips for stress management include shifting our expectations, allowing some time for rest and relaxation, taking a break from social media, exercising, deep breathing techniques, prayer, meditation, spending time with those you love and laughing. All of these, send a signal to the body “hey there, dial it back.” We're all stressed. And we must do something about it. If you really want to take that weight off stress management is an absolute must. So these are the top three secrets that we have time to chat about today. I hope you found this helpful, simple and empowering. Before we close, I want to encourage you with one of my favorite quotes by Arthur Ash, “Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can” I'm going to tell you you've got this and I want to provide the support and the encouragement that you need. Today we talked about the three secrets to weight loss. There are actually five secrets that I've outlined in a helpful tool, and I want you to listen up. So you know how you can access it. That's it for today's podcast. Thanks so much for joining me. Hey, I've got great news for You…a free gift and empowerment weight loss tool that contains the 5 Secrets to Anti-Diet Weight Loss. This comes with a worksheet that helps you with mindfulness and implementation of those healthy habits. I'll get this delivered right to your inbox when you provide your email. Simply go to This free tool could be exactly the jumpstart that you're looking for to shed those pandemic pounds. But listen, if hearing this has you feeling overwhelmed at tackling this on your own and you need that extra support. Head to my website, and book an individual coaching session with me as your personal health coach. I see all of my clients virtually and this wellness warrior power hour gives you that one on one personalized approach that you had been looking for. And real quick, before you go, if you found this podcast to be valuable and you learned something new, or you had major breakthroughs in your thinking, do me a favor, head to your favorite podcast platform like Apple iTunes and leave a review. And while you're there hit that subscribe button. So you don't miss anything. And if you're hanging out on Facebook or Instagram, I would love to connect with you. My handle is at @inspirehealthyharmony. So until we chat again, this is Jennifer Pickett, and I hope you have a healthy and happy day. Bye y'all. FREE Gift Alert! My gift to you is an empowerment, weight loss tool that contains the 5 secrets to Anti-Diet weight loss, and the workbook that helps you with mindfulness and implementation of healthy habits. I’ll get this delivered right to your inbox when you provide your email. Simply go to This free tool could be exactly the jumpstart you need to shed those pandemic pounds. But listen, if hearing this has you feeling a bit overwhelmed at tackling this on your own and you need extra support, why don’t you head to my website and book an individual coaching session with me as your personal health coach. I see all my clients virtually and this Wellness Warrior Power Hour gives you that one-on-one personalized approach that you have been looking for! |