Shocking Truth about EMF & How to Protect Your Health with Justin Frandson
December 8, 2021 - Episode #86 - Shocking Truth about EMF & How to Protect Your Health with Justin Frandson
Toxicity. You’ve heard me discuss this topic before. I discuss it daily with my clients simply because a toxic body cannot lose weight. Even worse, a body that is toxic is much more susceptible to disease. So today, we are exploring that topic on an even deeper level and looking at toxicity that you are absorbing every single day and may not be aware of it……EMF….electromagnetic frequencies. Electromagnetic fields, also known as radiation, are frequencies of energy that exist on a spectrum from low to high energy. We get EMF’s from Cell phones, laptops, Wi-Fi routers, smart meters, other electronic devices, and high-voltage power lines. As we look to level up with our health and look to everything that could be causing toxicity in the body we have to look at our electronic devices. Now, before you quickly click off this podcast because you start thinking.. "well, shoot everything is bad for me, I give up!" Stop!! You know good and well that you are feeling toxic, your body is holding onto extra weight, you don’t have the energy you used to have. You know it’s time to fully investigate what’s going on with your health and what could be causing it. It’s probably multi-factorial and this is important info you need to hear for both you and children. Listen and learn. This is our hot topic today on Healthy Harmony. In this podcast, we cover the following topics.......
Our guest, Justin Frandson is an Athleticism Performance Coach that has worked with amateur and professional athletes for over the past two decades. He is the Founder of and He is one of the most respected Health/Performance Coaches in the country. His 20 years of industry experience and learning has exposed him to many of the greatest systems in human performance. Working with many professional and amateur athletes, he noticed how these athletes were breaking down from excessive EMF. Now, outside of coaching, he educates about EMF and represents products to lower the level of EMF in your home. Here are the links I promised you! For your FREE 2021 Holiday Survival Guide to help you Beat Stress, Combat Cravings and Stay Joyful in the Season For the grounding and Faraday bags discussed by Justin on this podcast.. Read Full Transcript below Where else to listen: (note: Google is only available on android devices)
FULL TRANSCRIPT December 8, 2021 - Episode #86 - Shocking Truth about EMF & How to Protect Your Health with Justin Frandson Speaker 1: Toxicity. You've heard me discuss this topic before I discuss it daily with my clients, simply because a toxic body cannot lose weight, even worse. A body that is toxic is much more susceptible to disease. So today we're exploring that topic on an even deeper level and looking at toxicity that you are absorbing every single day and may not be aware of it. EMF, electromagnetic frequencies, electromagnetic fields, also known as radiation, are frequencies of energy that exist on a spectrum from low to high energy. We get EMFs from cell phones, laptops, Wi-Fi routers, smart meters, other electronic devices and high voltage power lines. As we look to level up with our health and everything that could be causing toxicity in the body, we have to look at our electronic devices. Now, before you quickly click off this podcast because you start thinking, well, shoot, everything is bad for me. I give up stop. Okay, stop. You know, good and well that you're feeling to toxic your body is holding onto extra weight. You don't have the energy that you used to have. You know, it's time to fully investigate what's going on with your health and what could be causing it. It's probably multi-factorial. And this is important information. You need to hear both for you and your children. So listen and learn. This is our hot topic today on Healthy Harmony. Welcome. This is the Healthy Harmony podcast. I'm Jennifer Pickett Dietitian turn functional medicine health coach. I help spiraling moms overcome the overwhelm through functional wellness coaching for the body, mind, and soul so they can transform their health and live a deeply fulfilled life of freedom and harmony. Okay, let's get real. When it comes to your health, you know what to do. I help you make this shift from knowing to actually doing the last 25 years of experience have taught me that the absolute last thing a woman needs is a lecture about self care and another unrealistic diet plan. I recognize the importance of compassionate and intentional health practices. So you can feel good because guess what, when you feel good, you are more likely to make better decisions for your health. If you're ready to take control of your complete health, address the obstacles standing in your way and live a life of freedom and harmony, my friend, you're in the right place. It's the holiday season. And I don't want you to forget the free gift that I created just for you. It's a guide to help you beat stress, her cravings and stay joyful in the season. It's practical. It's simple. And again, I created that just for you. This guide gives you a link to book a discounted virtual health coaching session, by the way that special expires on December the 13th. So if you've been contemplating booking a virtual health coaching session, Hey, now is the time, why don't you do that on a discount? I, I only do this once a year, so be sure and go to Bitly slash 2021 healthy holiday survival. Again, that's Bitly slash 2021 healthy holiday survival to take advantage of that free gift that God that I'm giving you to beat stress, curb cravings, and stay a joyful this season. And you will also find a link to book your discounted health coaching session. I will see you soon. Our guest today is Justin Frandson. Justin is an athleticism performance coach that has worked with amateur and professional athletes for over the past two decades. He is the founder of and EMF He is one of the most respected health and performance coaches in the country. His 20 years of industry experience and learning has exposed him to the many great systems in human performance. He worked with so many professional and amateur athletes and started noticing how these athletes were breaking down from excessive EMF. Now outside of coaching, he educates about EMF and sells the grounding and faraday bags to lower the level of EMF and the grounding bag contains the healing pulse of the earth to repel the EMF and recharge you. It's nature's first line of defense for manmade electricity and EMFs. Please welcome Justin Frandson all right. Let's jump right into it. Today, I have a special guest and we're gonna talk about a topic that may or may not be on your radar, and that is the topic of EMS. So I want to welcome my very special guest, Justin Frandson. Justin, how are you today? Speaker 2: Great, Jennifer. Thanks For having me on, Speaker 1: Thank you so much for being here. I love modern technology that we can join each other from two different states. You said you're in California, is that correct? Speaker 2: Yes, that is correct. Speaker 1: And I'm in Texas. And so we're getting to hang out together on this Tuesday afternoon and I'm just excited you're here. So I find your story interesting. And you kind of stumbled upon something as you were working with a lot of athletes. So tell us what you found. And I wanna hear a little bit more about your story. Speaker 2: Yeah, definitely. Jennifer, I'm a athleticism performance coach. Athleticism.Com is one to my sites, worked with the amateur and pros the last couple decades, about as long the business as you have. And, and we saw the athletes breaking down from EMF. EMF came up on my radar really early on cuz I was super sensitive to it. But then I saw the levels keeping increasing and, and then not only the levels, but the actual, just the SI signals themselves the proximity to all the EMF stressors. And so it's a, it's a biochemical stressor on the body. So my goal is to eliminate all the stressors for these athletes to help with their perform. That was the one that I had found that wasn't being addressed. And so we addressed it. Speaker 1: That is fantastic. Now I want you to describe, we both use that term EMFs. And so I know we have some listeners who are like now, what are you talking about? So tell us, what are EMFs? Where are we getting those from? Speaker 2: So magnetic fields or frequencies are EMFs. Now they can be manmade or cosmic. Like they're just natural within our environment. And when we're talking about the stressors on the body, I'm referring to manmade EMF, electromagnetic frequencies. So those are typically one directional wave forms and Jennifer, our entire universe is electric. And so are we, and when there's a different type of electricity, our bodies work adversely to it. So the universe the sun it's UN polarized. It distributes each in every direction. This manmade are one directional. They wouldn't work if they weren't a one directional wave form. So they're a positive charge they're polarizing and there are 10 zeros faster than how we sleep revenue optimize. And, and they, yeah, I mean, we, we couldn't live if there was this one beam of sunlight down on each person, <laugh> because the universe isn't just is not made that way. So we're, we do well with a distribute like scaler ways. It distributes equally in every direction. Speaker 1: Okay. Okay. Very interesting. So how do so looking at EMFs from a more negative point, where do we get those those EMFs that have that affect us negatively? Speaker 2: Well, they, let me, let me break it down for you real simple. So there's three or four different types that we can categorize. There's electricity, there's dirty electricity and there's wireless. There's also magnetic which we can bunch in with the first one. So electricity, you can get a meter, it's a Millis meter. You, we should be one or below one Millis with, with any reading on, so we can quantify these, these invisible wave forms. And then you have dirty electricity. They measure GS units, it's like amps to vault. So dirty electricity would be it's a little faster wave form in the wavelength mm-hmm <affirmative> and, and, but that, that's how we measure it. The Migos is, is I dunno, 50 waves per second on up to several thousand, then you go into 50,000 waves on, up into the hundreds of thousands. And then, and then for the radio frequencies all the wireless signals, you would get into the, into, to billions of waves per second. So each of those different types has different speeds of their wave form. So that's why they're characterized as, as electricity jury electricity or wireless. And we have all three different meters that can meter each of those, and you can actually test your home and see if it's a healthy home. Speaker 1: Okay. So what would what would that look like to have a healthy home? Speaker 2: It would look <laugh>. Speaker 1: I know that's a big, big, huge question. Speaker 2: So, so I was in bed a while back and, and just dialing it down before going to sleep. All of a sudden all the electricity goes off in the, in the house and I was alone. My, my family's outta town. And, and I just heard all the buzzing just go from down to nothing. And, and yes, that's would be healthy is there's no electricity Speaker 1: Going, no electricity, right? <Laugh> so Speaker 2: Ideally this low-level frequencies electricity, everything, every major challenge has increased in our world. Since we introduced electricity into our home. Now, our bodies are so resilient that we can fend off a lot of it, but a healthy home is one MGOs or below like 50 GS units and dirty electric. And you get a Stetser electric meter S TT, Z R Stetser, like 125 bucks or something. And then you just get an acoustic meter, like a radio frequency meter, and you want those in the lower range as well. So they, they have certain ranges that you could get meters to test at, but I ideally, you just wanna get grounded, you know, by nature and, and not have you wanna be able to ground out these signals as best as you can, because they are low level stressors on our body. Speaker 1: Okay. So what do those low lever, those low level stressors, what do they do to the body? Well, Speaker 2: It chips away at your life force. It ages you quicker. I think the first signs would be more cognitive challenges. So focus, memory, behavior, sleep, anxiety, fatigue running nose is or some bloody nose, excuse me ringing in the ears. You go into more severe muscle atrocious seizures. They, they Havana cohort was the first attack of us embassy workers on foreign soil with microwave a couple years ago, it was featured on 60 minutes a bunch. And, and but they had non concussion symptoms. So it was, it was literally concussion symptoms, nausea, nausea just that real similar to having a head trauma, but there was no head trauma. It was just through this wave form, which, which the 5g and that bandwidth, 60 to 90 billion ways per second, it's similar to a weaponry that they use in, in the military. Speaker 1: My goodness. Okay. So for the mom, who's listening and she's like, okay, this is pretty scientific. What do I need to know about my home? And where are some, where are some of these sources coming from of the, the wireless, the dirty electricity that I need to do something about, how can I make my home a little bit cleaner if you will. And I know you mentioned a meter earlier, but the next step after that, how can I, how can we make a home a little bit cleaner to where we're not being subjected to this level? That is so dangerous. Speaker 2: Definitely Jennifer, well, first off it really understanding the different types that I explain and then understanding that you can get meters and meter em, and then see where your levels are are at. And you can bring in an electrician electrician and, and ask him to ground out your home a lot better and say, Hey, I, if, if my, if I a don't have solar on my home and my, my dirty electricity is in like six, 800 or on, on up to 1200, there's something wrong with my wiring. Either it's aligns outside your home or a rat seeing something, cuz remember these signals one going into a junction needs to meet the same level going out it. And if you don't, you're gonna have lots of sparking in the line and excuse me, static in the line and that's dirty electricity. So you're, you're gonna, you're gonna really want to understand like just the, the types of di different stressors and then, and then have to look for so dirty electricity can come from your dim switches and your lights. So if you dim it down, you have the steps or electric meter in, you can see the levels go up because it's trying to keep the level of light that you're requesting. And so then you also, if you have solar on your home, that's gonna be storing electricity and then giving you what you're looking for. That's gonna cause lots of statics. So people with solar are gonna have really unhealthy homes. Lot of the time I, I, I have given to test one. That's not a healthy home. And then the new homes, sorry for all the new builds, but the L E D lights and they, they have their own little systems and routers on 'em and, and they cause lots of dirty electricity. So you want to go back to Ines lighting. So I think electricity just makes sure your wiring's good and grounded, dirty electricity again, makes sure all those marks are checked off. And then the, the, the wireless stuff really get, get a timer and plug your router in a timer. And so it goes off when you're sleeping. So having proximity awareness, it is, is the next step. And then beyond that, Jennifer would be our grounding bags. So EMF is, is my other site where we offer grounding bags and grounding bags are hand, mind, crystals. They have moisture magnetic properties, and we're gonna send you a care package, but these ones are absolutely unbelievable for repelling EMF grounding, and then recharging your body. But what it, what it does to a basic on a basic level to go back to a beginning of our conversation, it's converting a wave form. So it's taking that one directional wave form of electricity or dirty electricity or wireless and, and making it UN polarized. So, so something that's healthier for our body and something that our bodies used to. So you're able to go into these deeper sleeps. You're able to not get your life force tripped away with you. No matter where you go, cuz you can have a grounding bag, you know, with you, you can have mini with you and you just load up your home with, with the full size. So those are the ways to go about making your home a healthy home Speaker 1: It's so it's so very fascinating. And again, you know, a lot of this information we're like, oh my goodness, really? Like we, we didn't for, I think for so many of our listeners, this is not quite on our radar. So it's a lot to kind of take in, but I wanted to recap some things that you said that you can use a meter. So you know exactly what's going on in your home and Justin listening to you, there is a particular outlet in my bathroom and when I plug something in, I can hear it buzzing and, and, and then like, it doesn't stop unless I, until I unplug that, whatever the, that might be, if I'm gonna recharge a, you know, a phone for instance. So I, you know, I know there's some things that we need to check out with a meter. You said that we can get electrician to ground our home. And we personally live in a, in a older home. So I would imagine that there are some issues here. Yeah. But I loved that you suggested using like avoiding the L E D lights and using the incandescent lighting and you brought that up about solar. And I know that that's been a conversation recently be between my husband and I cuz he, you know, our neighbors got solar. And so we're like, oh, is that an option for us? But you've made it sound like, okay, that is not gonna be a very healthy atmosphere. Which is very interesting cuz we want this to be a healthy home. Speaker 2: Yeah. The, the challenge of this stuff is these signals are, are stress. So if we lead Jennifer, right, you're familiar with theta brain wave state Delta brain, the, the different brain wave states. Yes. So when we're sleeping where one or below one to eight hurts or waves per second, when you're in Delta, a theta brainwave state, when the athletes are in alpha state, they're in performance or in the zone, they're flowing their, their brain wave state is eight to 12 per or waves per second. 5G is 60 to 90 billion waves per second of a one directional wave form. That's a total positive opposite charge. So when you add 10 zeros to the speed of a wave, that's totally different than how we're made, it's gonna be really disrupt for us to sleep. So what we, what we really wanna do is, is, you know, convert that wave form, but at, at the end of it or going back to what you were saying before is hearing that buzzing. You can hear the buzz for sure, but these meters, oh my goodness. The sound of these wave forms, animals can hear it, but most humans can't really hear it. But when you put a meter up to your phone, acoustic meter up to your phone, the thing will start screaming. It'll meter out. And that's the noise that our body hears that we don't hear is from what these meters are end up reading for us. Speaker 1: That's crazy. Okay. So I, I want us to talk about phones, but, but, but first I want us to talk about the, the wireless in our home and the Wi-Fi routers. So tell us what's happening, what we're getting from that, why it's dangerous. Speaker 2: Well, again, it's, it's just designed to be one directional and way faster than how we're designed and it's a pull or opposite charge. So you have three strikes against you on goodness, all the manmade EMF. So these phones, they have absorption ratings on 'em. You're never supposed to put 'em next to your head. So always keep it away from you on speaker. And same with the routers. These routers are 2.4, 5 billion waves per second on up. And if you're sleeping with that in your room, that's gonna be like, someone's tapping you on your shoulder all night long saying, talk to me, talk to me if they're just super disruptive for our body to get into that deeper restorative sleep and REM state. And even when we're awake, there's focus challenges and cognitive challenges. I mean, I'm just dumbfounded that these arenas are rolling out 5g for these professional school ordering events. And I mean, I, I just, we're gonna see these professional athletes that never make mistakes and make mistakes or get injured. It's just gonna break down their body really quickly. So, you know, we have a Faraday bag too, that we use. The another great idea is to put the phone in a Faraday bag and it quiets the invisible stressors of the fair bag. So if you had a meter on the phone, it would meet her out and then you put the phone inside of our fair day bag and then it drops it to safe levels. Speaker 1: Okay. That's great to know. And I want us to talk a little bit more about that, but I, I wanna emphasize this too, our listeners, cuz you guys have heard me talk about sleep so much and how healing and restorative sleep is. And so Justin is referring to something that can truly interfere with that good deep sleep. Now deep sleep is when a lot of the healing and restoration specifically the detox takes place. And if we've got something like our wireless routers in our room that could be interfering with their deep sleep. So that right there is like a huge red flag to me. So I'm glad you brought that up. So for going back to the wireless routers, we need to make sure it's not in the room where we sleep. Correct. Correct. And then we also need to get a timer for our wireless routers that is shut off at night. Yeah, Speaker 2: Definitely. Now I wanna tell you a quick story here about my wife and she gave me the okay to share this, but this is yeah, this is where, when I first found out about the EMFs I was had another company's products that I was selling, kinda getting my feet wet in the space before I came up with a grounding bags. And so she was aware of the EMFs and we were, we were looking at different solutions. Well I brought the grounding bags in our home and prior to that, my wife hadn't slept through the night. She was waking up with night sweats. She was late forties going through early menopause stuff. But it was literally she was, she was sleeping through, she wasn't sleeping through in the night. She was waking up with night sweats and her menstrual cycle, excuse me, had stopped for a several months. Speaker 2: And so she's just going, oh goodness, it's happening. And when the second we loaded up with the grounding bags, everything normalized, her cycle returned, night sweats went away and she started sleeping through the night. So wow. This stuff, it's, it's a, it definitely ages you quicker and it's it. She was absolutely blown away by the, the, the positive benefits of getting grounded by nature and converting that wave form into something that we're used to, which is just the, what the earth is it's called the human resonance. It's like, when you go out and you walk barefoot or you sit in a park or you put your, or you go on the ocean, all this the earth has this negative ionic charge and we pull that up from, from our feet and then we get the electrons from them. So it's pure science what this is. And we've just been told that it's okay. It's okay. It's okay. But these are four industry for profits and for tracking and tracing and data harvesting. And there's a lot going on in the EMF space and, and our, our products are here to help you sleep, restore, not aid you as quickly and then protect your phone life, you know, cuz the data harvesting it's from the battery of your phone. They, they, they they burn your battery cuz they're always pulling information from Speaker 1: You. Oh goodness. I think that got all of our attention. Thank you for sharing that story about your wife. And, and again, that, that kind of grabs our attention because so many of us struggle with sleep and especially women who are starting to go through menopause and they're, they maybe they've always had sleep issues anyway. And the bottom line is that we have to look at all the toxicity and how it's affecting our body. And clearly this this area EMF is adversely affecting the body when you're talking about not just sleep, but all of the the cognitive impact. I think it's huge. And we've gotta do something about it. So you use the term grounding and earthing. Can you give us such, just a real basic definition of what is grounding and earthing and why that so important? Speaker 2: Right? So there's some amazing people out there. Bruce Lipton. Eileen McKusick, she does lots of tuning for healing and the list goes on and on, but a lot of them feel that we have this negative ion charge coming up from, from our feet, from the earth. And we have, we have a positive charge made coming in from the, our head. So we're, we're, our bodies are essentially like a battery. So as I mentioned before, we get the negative iron charge from being barefoot or being outside and nature in the ocean or what have you touching a tree all that will, will pull those electrons from it. And the, and the positive charge. We get it from the sunlight from being outside. But now they've launched so many satellites, beaming this, you know, one directional waveform, phased array, beams down it it's, we're getting positive charge, polarizing charge one directional in our head. And then we're not getting grounded outside. We're wearing shoes all the time and not getting that, that you connection with, with the earth and the human resonance, the healing pulse there, the F frequency of the earth is seven. It's called the human resonance. It's 7.8, three Hertz or waves per second. So when we sleep at one to eight, the earth revs at a, you know, 7.83, and the man mades 50 to 90 billion waves per second. So we're, we're like totally opposite then. And so much faster than the way the earth has designed us to be. So that's when you go and you get barefoot or you go and lay it out of a park, or you go on the ocean, you go on a, and you're out in the sunlight and you're getting those negative and positive on charges from manmade sources or excuse me, from nature versus manmade sources, you're gonna be a, a, you're gonna restore a lot better. Speaker 1: I love that. And I think it's something that's so simple that we've really underestimated and that getting outside, taking your shoes off, standing in the grass, standing on some natural, medium, like rocks, dirt, et cetera. Right. Is there anything I'm missing out of that list that we can stand to barefoot on? You said the ocean, definitely. Speaker 2: I sand any, anything just connect to the earth like trees, I mean, are amazing. Get your hands in the, the soil. Yes. Growing. I there's, there's endless ways to, to get grounded by nature. And, but it's so important there there's so many studies that say you just live longer when you're in nature at growing things. And it it's, it's just part of our nature <laugh> is to be, and we've literally, we've gone so far away from it. A lot, a lot of us have, Speaker 1: We really have. And I think if we look at our, our kids, you know by and large, our kids are inside and they're not outside. They're not getting dirty. They're not making mud pies. For instance, you know, I think things have shifted so much and we are, we're tied to our, our cell phones. So let's let's talk about cell phones real quick and some of the danger there and how it can affect us. Speaker 2: Well, the California department of public health years ago, they were sued to release studies on findings on their cell phone. And they found that there was a acoustic nerve challenges. They had really like high cancer challenges when they were right in that area. And so bio is another group. They've, they've had thousands over four, 5,000 studies to date. They've had several hundred scientists in over 40 countries that are independent. Non-Biased doing this reporting and the children's health,, just Sue the FCC to of look at these studies and, and they won. So the, now we're gonna start to see our government really looking at these levels and, and there procedural levels that were set in 1998, as far as the levels that are healthy or safe for, for us. And so, so these cell phones are, are definitely a challenge when you have 'em in your pocket, the eggs women's eggs over he is absorbed 10 times the amount of radiation than any other part of the body guys, sperm count drops. So in addition to cancer, diabetes, suicide, cardiovascular, Alzheimer's, we're seeing that this population replenished for my just being depleted fertility is going to lack of fertility is gonna be one of the biggest challenges as, as we keep moving forward, people are putting laptops on their laps and, and these phones right next to their private areas. And it it's just not enhancing for, for the body, Speaker 1: Man. I'm so glad you brought that up. I think I could literally feel all of our listeners, their mouths just drop open <laugh>. So the bottom line is we do not need these phones on our body. We don't need to carry 'em in our pocket. And if you're talking on the phone, you said to use a speaker. So tell me about like like AirPods and other you know, earphones, like what is what's ideal? Well, Speaker 2: Definitely not the AirPods, cuz you gotta think of what your ear is. Your ear is, has an airway canal directly to the brain. There's no skull there. So normally on a full grown adult, the skull will help buffer of the brain. But when you have an an ear bud in your inner ear, that's localized, you know, 2.4, 5 billion waves per second of manmade, one directional, polarizing radiation localized in your inner ear directly in your brain, basically. So that's not a really optimal for us. And if you're on that 20 for seven for several years, it's the body bends and breaks, you know, depending on however, wherever you're weak, but, but it's not optimal. So what we would recommend is to use the, the cord, your, your okay ear, ear cords. So you can put the corded ones, the wired ones into your ear, Silicon on the end of 'em, those are gonna help dampen that. So you're not getting at least localized radiation in your, in your ear. Smart watches, definitely all the smart watches use them as tracking devices. I mean, if you're gonna test something, test, test where you're at and then come back in four months and then test again. But they're not something to be worn every day. I've had the most and crazy endurance athlete, strongest guys, you can ever meet, go weak. Their whole arm will go weak. And then the second they take off the watch, they start to restore their strength. So Speaker 1: That's crazy. Yeah. Speaker 2: That is crazy. This that, those, those wearable technologies off your body. Speaker 1: Okay. And then what about your, the faraday bags? Tell us how that works and how we can use those. Speaker 2: So the Fairday bags, they're a static bag. They're basically seven milliliters. So frequencies do go in and out of it, we found that, excuse me, the, the Faraday bag will have unbelievable will do an unbelievable job about quieting the, a radio radiation of the radio waves from you. So if you put a meter up to a phone, it'll just start screaming meter out, you put it in our Faraday bag and it'll quiet it down to safe levels. Excuse me. Now, on, in addition to that, the tracking and tracing is the reason the data harvesting is the reason why our cell batteries, they don't last more than a few hours. Now they're supposed to last about 10 days or more. So when the data harvesting is going on, you're, they're just draining your battery. So our fair day bags will save your battery life and then it'll slow the it, the AI from aggregating your information because the, one of the biggest threats to our, our freedom is gonna be this collecting of information. And so I, oh my goodness, feel that the fair day bags are a big part of keeping us free for a lot longer, cuz you're, they're slowing down the the ability to harvest that information now, in addition to it. So if you use two fairy bags and double 'em up, then your location will not show on up on a map. So there's no more contact tracing and then your phone will not ring at all, but you need two fairy bags. These phones are making, 'em so strong now that they just burn a seven ML fair day, you know, bag material. And it's not an ironclad cage, but cuz signals do go in and out. But we need two of 'em for, to just really go off the grid. Speaker 1: My goodness. But if we just wanted to take some safety measures, I think the basics are to get a fair day bag, keep our phone in there. And that way we're kind of preventing at least some of that data harvesting and then don't wear your phone and keep it in a fair day bag. And then and then avoid the AirPods and the wearables as much as possible. Is that right? Yeah. Speaker 2: That, that would be a perfect solution then. And then our grounding bags are the other part of it that you're gonna be obsessed with Jennifer. I is there's full size grounding bags and there are these hand mind crystals. They're about one pound of crystals. They have moisture magnetic property sound guide Amoy Turling like some of the other stones that have magnetic properties in them. They don't have the moisture content. So that's why these, these grounding bags are so special. So, and we sell 'em at Dr. Clinics all around the country. They work so so well, it's literally like walking barefoot in a bag. They convert that wave form and allow you to repel me a have getting those restorative sleeps. They can actually recharge your body, but those you put one on or under your bed. If it's under leaning against the leg of the bed you also wanna put one on your desk or underneath it lean against the leg of the desk. And then also underneath the back of your car seat is a really good place for it. Cause most, oh wow, most cars are especially new ones are all so much electricity wiring through the dashboard. Even if it's non electric car and if it is an electric car, you need several grounding bags together behind the driver's seat to clear it, cuz you're literally sitting on a battery that's dirty electricity. So the test was, we're seeing testosterone drop 20 18%, excuse me, 18% in testosterone dropping for guys driving electric cars. Speaker 1: Oh my goodness. This has been the most eye-opening discussion. I just think it's something that it needs to be on our radar. It, it maybe hasn't been with the lot of us. And so I know my eyes have been open today. I'm looking forward to my grounding bags and trying the fair day, the fair day bag as well, because it's just, what can we do to enhance our health? And like you, you alluded to the anti-aging benefits and how can we slow down the process of aging and how can we have have some health benefits cuz there's a lot of things working against us here. So Justin, thank you so very much for giving us your time today. Do you have any words of encouragement for our listeners before, before we get off? Speaker 2: Definitely. Well, my first saying is to get grounded by nature number one. But I think in addition to that, what I would love to emphasize is that there's a book called the invisible rainbow by Arthur Furstenberg. He categorizes all the pandemics in the history of the world and correlates him to shifts in our electromagnetic blanket of an atmosphere. So if there's, if there's a cosmic shift in the atmosphere then our bodies are gonna adapt a certain way. Our REM patterns get thrown off. If there's a manmade shift, like a where we're introducing radio waves or satellites or 5g, our bodies are gonna adapt. And so this electrification of our atmosphere is categorized in that book. I, I really wanna encourage everyone to, to pick up that book and understand more about that. We live in this electric universe that we are electric being and really emphasize getting, becoming one with nature, as much as you can cuz that's, what's gonna keep us healthy. And, and you know, our bodies are just adapting. When we see pandemics like this, it's just our bodies adaptation to environmental toxins like EMF. So there's nothing really to hide from or fear. We just really wanna stay grounded by nature. Speaker 1: I love that. Stay grounded by nature. So I wanna make sure that our listeners know how to get in touch with you. You gave us several links and so I will make sure that I get those from you and that those are included in the show notes, cuz I wanna make sure our listeners can ask that says, but how can they get in touch with you? Speaker 2: Well, through athletic on the athletic site, we have curated health and performance products. And then the specifically the ones EMFs, we sell those on there, but EMF is the other website that everyone loves taking a look at our EMF products. Speaker 1: Love it. Love it. Thank you so much, Justin. I appreciate you. You taught us a lot. I think you've opened up our eyes. I think a lot of us are a little bit like, oh my goodness. So thank you for that. It's something that we needed to hear. And I just appreciate your time today. Speaker 2: Appreciate you Jennifer. Thank you so much. And thank you everyone for listening. Speaker 1: Thank you. Deep breath, my friend. What did you think my eyes were certainly opened and I have some work to do, but I wanna clean up my living environment and make sure that my body is not a toxic waste land. I loved the simple suggestions of turning off Wi-Fi at and not carrying your cell phone on your body. That's a perfect place to start. I'm gonna be using some of those products that he suggested to help lower the amount of EMFs that my body is getting. And I'm gonna continue the practice of grounding that practice of standing barefoot outside to help support your body health and detoxification. Here's what I know. Health is truly a journey you have never just arrived and have it all figured out. So why don't we do this journey together? Stick with me, my friend. That's why I'm trying to bring you this information so we can learn and grow together. Speaker 1: And don't forget if you need to level up and you need help from a coach with 25 years of experience. Hey, I've got you. Coaching is so beneficial cuz it brings out the best in you. There's no guilt. There's no shame. It's strategy and it's encouragement and you know what? I think you'll love it. Now I'm bringing that up once more because I don't want you to forget that link for the free gift that I created for you. The 2021 holiday survival guide to help you beat stress curve cravings and yes, say joyful in this season. And remember that also contains a link to book that discounted health coaching session and all my sessions are virtual. So again, it's Bitly forward slash 2021 healthy holiday survival. And that will be in the show notes. So you can click it easily. This expires this week, this Monday for the 13th, but you can book your session anytime in December for January. So my friend, I hope that you're enjoying this podcast and I love bringing this information to you. Anything you wanna hear in 2022, please let me know. I love to hear your feel until next time. Take care of you, my friend. Bye y'all. |