The #1 Secret Weight Loss Companies DON'T Want You to Know!
January 5, 2021 - Episode #49 -The #1 Secret Weight Loss Companies DON'T Want You to Know!
You know they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and having different results. Haven’t you done it before? Made yourself the promises, set the New Year’s resolutions, went on that diet. Did it work? Or was it just a temporary phase? Today, I’m exposing the diet industry and giving you 4 questions to consider when choosing your options to get healthier in 2020. Before I go any further about today's eye-opening episode. I want to remind you of tonight's Food Freedom Masterclass. If you are ready to break free from restrictive diets and live in freedom from the bondage of emotional eating; this is for YOU! It's a FREE online class! All you have to do is register! Click here to register for class and receive the Zoom link and class notes. . This class will look at our relationship with food, why diets fail, the secrets to weight loss and emotional eating. Don't miss it! You know January is the Super Bowl for the weight loss companies. Like this is IT! The time for weight loss companies to shine! It is an over $72 Billion dollar industry! That’s billion with a B. And it all plays into you feeling guilty and ashamed for how you have treated your health and promises of a skinnier you! I want to empower you to do something different. In this episode, I reveal the Number One secret that these weight loss companies don't want you to know! As soon as you hear this secret, your eyes will be opened. And I provide you with four questions that you need to be asking yourself as you look for healthier options in the year 2021. If you are ready for health transformation and tired of being deceived, then this podcast is a MUST LISTEN! Read Full Transcript below Where else to listen: (note: Google is only available on android devices)
FULL TRANSCRIPT January 5, 2021 - Episode #49 -The #1 Secret Weight Loss Companies DON'T Want You to Know! The definition of insanity, it's doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Haven't you done that before made yourself the promises, set the New Year's resolutions, went on that diet, did it work or was it just a temporary phase? Today, I’m exposing the diet industry and I'm giving you four questions to consider when choosing your options to get healthier in 2021. Hey, there, welcome to the Healthy Harmony podcast. I'm Jennifer Pickett, your host, your health coach, your friend. If you're ready to tap into the healthiest version of you. So you can live life with confidence and intentional harmony. Then my friend you're in the right place! As a Dietitian turned Functional Medicine Health Coach. I'm here to walk beside you and show you how to take control of your complete health body, mind, and soul. As we talk about this big, huge topic of food and diets and guilt and shame. Let me go on a little rant here, and here's your warning. You know me, when I get passionate, the accent gets worse. So you've been warned. Here's my rant. I want to give you some inside perspective. You know, there's a marketing expression, sex sales. Let me tell you something else that sells weight loss, weight loss sales, it's an over $72 billion industry. That's billion with a B, and it all plays into you feeling guilty and ashamed for how you've treated your health and promises. Oh, the beautiful promises of a skinnier you. Promises that you'll be happier and more successful. If you're a smaller size, very often little is said about full body health or wellness of the body, mind, and soul. It's all focused on the size and the number on that scale as if your entire worth is based on that freaking number. It all hits the day after Christmas. You start seeing these clever before and after pictures demonstrating impressive weight loss with this diet or that supplement or this exercise routine or any other varied, a variety of products. My question, and one, I want you to ask as well is what happens after the after photo. What then? Most weight loss is typically regained. Have you done this? Hey, I know I have, and I knew better. And it's so very discouraging. So bring up this little soapbox of mine, because first of all, I'm sick and tired of it. I've seen how our health care system has nothing to do with health. It's sick care. Money is made when you and your family is sick all the time and the wellness industry. Honestly, it has very little to do with full body wellness because the wellness industry is so focused on weight loss because just like sex sales, weight loss sales and January is the Super Bowl for all of these weight loss companies. They are primed and ready to sell you something. I cannot even begin to express the impact that all of this clever marketing has on us. Remember marketing is all about making money. It is not about your health. Did you see that in 2020, this had nothing to do with your health. And I'm literally angry that all the marketing is hyper-focused on making you and I feel guilty and ashamed. Aren't you sick and tired of it. I know you're wary too. I know you want to get healthier and yes, even lose weight, but I also know that you're sick and dang tired of funky diets and losing that weight only to regain it. You're ready for resilience. You're ready for freedom. I hope you will participate in the food freedom masterclass tonight, Tuesday night, January the fifth at seven o'clock central. This class is just for you. If you're ready to break free from restrictive diets and ready to live in freedom from the captivity of emotional eating. So while you're listening to this, I want you to go to your phone, go to your computer and register for class right away. The link is Bitly B I T dot L Y forward slash masterclass food freedom. Again, that's Bitly forward slash masterclass food freedom. And I'll send you the zoom link and the class notes right away. You heard what I said about the diet industry and it's concerning, but it's also January. And you find yourself desperately needing a reset. You're feeling the pressure to set those lofty new year's resolutions and just change everything. But deep down, deep down, you know, another funky diet is not going to work because it's not about the food. It's the stress and the overwhelming feelings of worry and anxiety. And you deal with all of those feelings by eating. It's a coping mechanism, a way to numb the pain. So when my clients tell me they can't stop eating their feelings, I see that simply giving them a diet plan is just not going to cut it because it's not addressing the real problem. So that's what we're talking about today. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I know why so many people fail on those resolutions. After 24 years of experience of studying human health behaviors and seeing who succeeds and who falls short, one thing becomes obvious. It's not just about willpower, Determination, and willpower will only get you so far. Life happens, stress becomes overwhelming, and then we're able, and then we just abandoned those healthier behaviors because we're trying to cope. No time could this be more true than a year that we just endured? We're trying to survive and just cope with the overwhelming feelings of worry, anxiety, fear, loneliness, and depression. So, yeah, you're saying a different side of me today. I'm exposing the diet industry and I just want to get you thinking for yourself and not falling for some slick marketing. I’m Done. Y'all I'm just done. I'm sick and tired of people being deceived with all the marketing strategies of guilt and shame, just so you can buy in to whatever fad diets, funky magic pill, funky pre-packaged foods, it's awful. Here's the secret that none of these weight loss companies want you to know, are you ready? All the weight loss is temporary. Yeah, you heard me. Right? All the weight loss is temporary. You lose weight and then you gain it all back. You're being set up for failure. Of course you aren't being taught how to eat or to explore your relationship with food or manage stress or look at your health as a complete system, body, mind, and soul. Nope. It's a quick fix. And guess what it is designed to keep you coming back for more. That's how they keep making money. It is a $72 billion industry after all, we've all fallen for it. That impressive before and after photo, it certainly gets our attention. My question, what happens after the after photo? What happens after you regain the weight that you lost and you regain even more, then you feel like a failure and then comes the guilt. And the shame that accompanies the failure, surely it can't be the diet or the program or the pill. It must be you. It must be your lack of willpower. And just like I told you, willpower will only get you so far. I 'm so passionate about this because I see it every single day when I'm coaching my clients, I hear the horror stories. I get the aftermath of the fail diets, the funky supplements, the stupid pre-packaged foods, the literal health disasters that accompanies all of this mess and all because of good marketing. A lot of times, by the time somebody comes to me, their mindset, their confidence, their metabolism is destroyed. That confidence is at an all time low. They're thinking I can't do this again. I'm a failure. I see the look of defeat in their faces, but here's what I love. I get the honor of coaching them to freedom and long-term success for 2020. Don't you need different aren't you ready to get to the root of the issue and address the real problem behind emotional eating it. This is you. I've got what you're looking for. Do not miss that Food Freedom Masterclass tonight. If you haven't registered yet register now. And by the way, when I have your email, if you can't make it live, I'm going to send you the recording. Now I want us to review four questions to consider when looking at all your options for getting healthier in 2021. Number one…Does it look too good to be true? Yeah. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Beware of those big, huge promises lose 20 pounds in 20 days. Here's the question. Are you going to lose weight only to regain it? Y'all there's no magic pill. I promise you, but man, there are certainly some things being sold as they magic bullet. Number two… Is this realistic? And is it sustainable? Ask yourself the question. Does this fit your body, your health and your life. Here's a rant. Pre-Packaged foods are not realistic and sustainable for the rest of your life. They are not. And you and I both know it. And if you're thinking, okay, I'm just going to do these pre-packaged foods for a month and I'm going to lose the weight and then I'm going to stop. And then out, you know, I'll have lost the weight and I know what to do after that. It never works. What happens when you stop doing that is that you regain all the weight as soon as you stop. And I've seen it time and time again with my clients. Here's, what's important, focus on real foods and learning how to eat and learning what foods truly nourished your body is key to a realistic and sustainable approach. Number three…who am I taking advice from? Here's another big one. Just because someone is a social media influencer and has struck a deal with a weight loss company that does not mean it's a good fit for you. It's very likely that you have some specific health issues that need to be addressed by experience professional, a Dietitian, a certified health coach, someone that has training, education and experience. Now this gets a little bit tricky because there are supplement companies out there who called their consultants, health coaches, just because they are using that phrase does not mean that they're qualified to give you advice. Now I want to be cautious here because I do want to be kind. And it's always very, very inspirational when someone has had amazing results and they're very passionate and they want to help others. I love that, but I want you to keep in mind that you may need some help from someone who is truly qualified and has the training and the experience. Another side note. If you're going to work with a Dietitian, a certified health coach, another licensed professional, make sure it is someone you can connect with. This is absolutely crucial. You should come away from that health coaching session. From that session, with that person feeling empowered and encouraged, like I can do this. You should never walk away feeling overwhelmed and confused and discouraged. Number four…how does this approach make me feel? Do you feel stressed out? Like it's something else on your to-do list. Let me tell you, if are so stressed out about the approach you're using to improve your health; you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Or are you choosing a particular approach because you feel guilty and ashamed and you're kind of treating it like your punishment. The best approach is always a body mind and soul approach. Remember the body and the mind are intricately connected. So these are the top four questions to consider when looking at your options to get healthier in 2020, number one, does it look too good to be true? Number two, is it realistic? And is it sustainable? Number three, who am I taking advice from? And number four, how does this approach make me feel? We have a lot that's being thrown at us and I don't want us to just fall prey to fancy marketing Before you go. I want to make sure you know how to find me. How would love to be a resource to you? My friend, it is a confusing and a very conflicting world out there. So the website is and you can always connect with me on social media, on Facebook and on Instagram @inspirehealthyharmony. Do you have questions for me? Just need some guidance. Just message me and I'll get right back to you. Well, I will see you tonight at the Food Freedom Masterclass and I'm so excited and I look forward to helping you break free from emotional eating and restrictive diets. So until tonight, I'll see you again. You have a great day. Bye y'all. |