Part 2 : Toxic & Tired? Time to Get the Func Out - Balance your Hormones & Detox with Dr. Peter Kozlowski
December 14, 2022 - Episode #107 - Part 2 : Toxic & Tired? Time to Get the Func Out - Balance your Hormones & Detox with Dr. Peter Kozlowski
Did you know that you are subjected to over 700,000 toxic chemicals every single day?!? 700,000 in just your everyday life. I’m going to level with you from the get go. This podcast is likely to overwhelm and frustrate you. There is a chance that you will want to just put your hands over your ears and say "lalalalalala!!". Because today’s podcast is about toxins. And toxins are everywhere!!! So, this podcast is an eye opener to say the least. But here’s the reality. You have to hear this!! You need someone to tell it to you straight! Toxins are putting a huge burden on your body. Toxicity, from those toxins, is the reason that you keep getting sick all the time, you have brain fog, you have stomach issues, your hormones are imbalanced, and you keep gaining weight! (Read that again!) Today is Part 2 of Get the Func Out - How to Balance your Hormones and Detox with Dr. Peter Kozlowski. We dig into how toxins damage cells, where we are getting these toxins and the best way to help your body detox. Dr. Koz tells it like it is and covers the very controversial topics of electric energy, heavy metal toxicity, supplementation protocols and more. He calls out some of these big industries that have been feeding you a bunch of lies! If you are tired and toxic. You need to hear this. It’s all today on the Healthy Harmony podcast. Hey friend! You still have access to the Holiday Survival Guide and Fav Things list. The survival guide helps you beat stress, combat cravings and stay joyful during this season. And I added a Fav things list. These are some of my favorite health related items that I love. I’ve included links and discount codes. And there is one more thing... nestled in that survival guide and fav things list and it is a discounted link to purchase a one-hour coaching session with me. For a limited time, I’m allowing you guys to go ahead and purchase that session now. All my sessions are virtual by the way, But you can book that session in January of 2023. So, if you have been considering a health coaching session and you know you need that one-on-one support, now is the time! You can access all that by going to Did you miss Part 1 of Toxic & Tired? You can find it here Check out Dr. Koz's newest book. It's fantastic This is the last podcast for 2022. Anyone else feeling like this year has flown by? My hope and prayer for you is that you will take some downtime to just rest and relax. To do something for yourself, for your complete health…body mind and soul. Merry Christmas. I’ll see you next year! Read Full Transcript below Where else to listen: (note: Google is only available on android devices)